Nicotine Inhalers (Nicotrol® inhalers)

Note: Pfizer discontinued the Nicotrol inhaler in the first half of 2023. The product was discontinued due to unavailability of an essential resin used to produce the inhaler mouthpiece. Additional information can be found on Pfizer's website.

How can I get nicotine inhalers?

As of 2023, nicotine inhalers are not available.

What are nicotine inhalers?

A nicotine inhaler is a small plastic tube that looks like a plastic cigarette holder or a “fat cigarette”. It contains nicotine in a cartridge, delivers the nicotine to the lining of your mouth when you puff on it.

How do nicotine inhalers work?

  • Unlike an asthma inhaler, the contents of a nicotine inhaler are not inhaled into the lungs. Most of the nicotine is absorbed in the back of the throat.
  • Puff on a nicotine inhaler when you have an urge to smoke.

Is using a nicotine inhaler the same as vaping an e-cigarette?

Using a nicotine inhaler is not the same as vaping an e-cigarette. Nicotine inhalers are a medication approved by the FDA to help you stop smoking. They are regulated and research has found that they are safe and effective. E-cigarettes are not approved by the FDA as quitting medications. E-cigarette vapor contains harmful chemicals and can be very addictive.